Friday, February 26, 2016

Blog Entry #6: Working With Videos and Moving Images

Mini Art School #4

Moving Media Tutorial
Below is a video tutorial that I created using Windows Movie Maker of how to crochet a scalloped edging.

In the process of creating this video, I learned how to stitch together still images with moving images (video) and adding a separate audio soundtrack onto the video.  The caption feature was very useful in order to overlay text to describe the different crochet stitches I used.

In my classroom, I can see myself creating tutorials as examples for my students for different projects that we would create.  I believe this would be very helpful for them to review the necessary steps of a given project and to have a visual of my expectations.  The format of a video would allow students who benefit from repetition to review either the entire video or revisit certain steps multiple times until they are confident of their understanding of the task.

I could also see myself creating a video of an experiment that I could not complete in school to share with my students.  Some schools may prohibit students from handling / being exposed to certain materials and I could still share the process of completing the experiment with them without any possible mishandling of materials or accidents. 

Multimedia Montage Project

My Multimedia Montage Project is based on a First Grade Reading Unit from North Brunswick Township Schools.  I will be supplementing the existing curriculum with additional digital tools and resources and using authentic materials to develop students' 21st Century Skills.

This is the first time I have attempted to embed a Prezi by working within HTML so I hope it works well!  Below is a link to my Prezi Presentation of my MMP Project Storyboard just in case you have trouble viewing the embedded Prezi.


  1. I like how you did a tutorial-style video. I think you're right... maybe you could now create little tutorial videos for your students. I thought that using Prezi to create your storyboard was very nice. I think you were very organized in breaking up your unit into multiple days and then emphasizing what you'd be doing on each specific day. I think that by creating a storyboard it helps in making us think about each aspect of our project. Almost like making an outline for a paper. It helps us organize our thoughts and create a structured approach to our task.

    1. Hi Anthony, I'm glad you liked the tutorial! I think relating a storyboard to an outline is a great way of thinking about it - one that I hadn't considered. It definitely helps to structure the planning and organization of a project too!

  2. Hi Megan,

    I really enjoyed the approach you took in creating your storyboard! Prezi allows you to break up information in a clear-cut, organized, and visually appealing way. After looking at your storyboard, I can tell exactly what will be covered in your MMP project. (Also, it was such a great idea to base this project on an actual NBTS unit that you are familiar with! I also was in a 1st grade classroom in North Brunswick, and I can definitely see how useful this type of technology integration would be!)

    Also, thank you for teaching me something new in your 60 second concept video! I can definitely see how these brief clips/videos can be useful aids in the classroom after watching your tutorial. I tend to shy away from using video footage in my projects, but your focus on the actual crocheting made it perfectly clear what you were describing through your text. You were essentially modeling the task that you were teaching, which is always best practice! Great job with your tasks this week!

    1. Hi Sarah! I'm glad you liked the storyboard! I like the reading units that North Brunswick uses but I thought I could upgrade it by integrating a variety of digital literacies into the curriculum to make them more authentic rather than just adding them on as a supplement. Do you think that your first graders could have handled this type of technology integration too?

      I'm glad you liked the video tutorial! I think creating short videos would be a great way for your students to be able to review a skill or concept as many times as they need!

  3. Hi Nancy! I think that using authentic examples and demonstrations are extremely important for your students so they can see the relevance of what they are learning!

  4. Hi Jakub, I love using Prezi because of that capability! I'm glad that it came across as very clean cut and fluid!

    I'm glad you liked the video, I love to crochet! I find it to be very relaxing - you may want to start with a more basic stitch though, like a single crochet, and you can make your own scarves and all sorts of different things!

  5. Hi Megan,

    I'm in agreement with your colleagues' comments above - I rather enjoyed the layout of your storyboard via Prezi. At first I found myself questioning what exactly I was looking at in terms of how the project would appear visually for us as the reader/site visitor, etc., but realized that you were emphasizing daily activities via the storyboard as opposed to a visual layout of the actual tool/project you'll be creating for the MMP itself. That may have been something I questioned via your proposal as well, but I'm certain the project will become even more clear after reviewing your first screencast update! Again, nice job using Prezi for the development of your storyboard - it may not be traditional, but certainly visually appealing and effective.

    Great Concept in 60! I consider myself fairly crafty, but I cannot crochet to save my life. I haven't really "tried" to do it, but I feel like it'd be one of those things I'd need to see someone else do hundreds of times before I "got" it... I prefer the in-person craft learning as well, but being able to review a video (like the one you created here) would be equally effective I'd think, given the ability to "replay" of course! You did a nice job of instructing us on the scallop stitch via this video!

    Thanks for sharing with us!
    Prof L
